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How It Works

How FameYo Works

Create a campaign by adding your video

Copy the link of the video you want to boost, start a FameYo campaign. The whole process will take you less than a couple of minutes. It is a very easy step-by-step process. You can start promotion your videos from here.

Define your budget and secondary goal

The amount of money you allocate for your video campaign will determine the potential reach of your video. By investing more, you can expect to reach a larger audience. Additionally, you can set specific goals beyond just increasing views, such as gaining new subscribers, increasing engagement through comments and likes, or other desired outcomes. By defining these objectives, you can optimize your campaign for even better results.

Optional: Target your audience and pick keywords

To ensure that your FameYo campaign reaches the appropriate audience, it is important to be specific and targeted in your approach. Consider the keywords that best describe your video and incorporate them into your campaign, whether they are already present in your YouTube video or you choose to add new ones. By being specific, you are more likely to receive more interactions and potentially gain more subscribers. However, it is important to keep in mind that targeting a specific audience may lead to more expensive advertising, resulting in a decrease in the overall number of views you receive.